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Software plays an ever-increasing role in driving innovation and providing marketplace differentiation in “smarter” products. However, the complexity of bringing more interconnected, instrumented and intelligent products to market faster is stretching software development teams and traditional software development approaches to the limit. Join leading experts in the webcast “The ten point guide to improving real-time and embedded software development” to learn the key strategies that can help address these challenges.
Speaker: Greg Gorman, Program Director, Worldwide Systems Engineering Product Delivery
Greg is the Program Director for Systems Engineering Product Delivery at Rational and counts 18 years service at IBM, coming from the Telelogic acquisition in 2008. He is responsible for specifying and managing Rational's solution offering for Systems Engineering, ensuring it meets the current and future needs of Rational's customers. Greg has served in various positions at Rational, as an Application Engineer, Engineering Manager, Sales Representative, Product Specialist and Product Manager, and has a broad understanding of the company, its customers and products.
Guest Speaker:
Jim Brown is the founder and President of independent research firm Tech-Clarity
Jim is a recognized expert in software solutions for manufacturers, with over 20 years of experience in application software, management consulting, and research. He has broad knowledge on applying Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), social computing, Supply Chain Management (SCM), ERP, compliance, quality, service management, and other enterprise applications to improve business performance.