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As distributed system scale up, so does their integration time and cost. This integration challenge is particularly acute for real-time and intelligent systems: increased connectivity cannot come at the expense of performance, reliability or resource consumption.
Adopting an inherently scalable architecture is the
secret to agilely and affordably building systems that encompass ever more applications, nodes and real-time data. This webinar will review how you can apply proven integration techniques—such as loose coupling and service orientation—to demanding real-time systems. Unlike approaches designed for conventional business applications, the architecture we’ll introduce is appropriate for systems that span embedded, high performance and IT applications.
This webinar targets software architects, chief engineers and development leads in all industries that design real-time and intelligent systems. This includes defense, industrial, transportation, medical and aerospace applications
Better integration is increasingly the key to competitive advantage. It provides end-users with higher situational awareness, responsiveness and resource utilization. Don’t let your architecture hold you back. Register now.
Speaker: David Barnett, Vice President of Products and Markets
Moderator: Mike Demler -Technology Editor, OpenSystems Media