
Radar and Electronic Warfare Drive Signal Processing Innovation

Ondemand- Aired Live: February 27, 2013

Radar and electronic warfare (EW) system designers are continually are tasked with doubling and tripling performance in every new design or system upgrade, which places a tremendous demand on signal processing solutions for these applications. Military program managers want to track multiple targets simultaneously and track every signal coming in for all flavors of EW systems and radar from huge long-range surveillance radars to small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) designs in UAV payloads. For these requirements they are turning toward commercially-developed signal processing solutions and an open architecture approach for long-term refresh that leverages low-power components. This webcast of industry experts will discuss how EW and radar systems are leveraging commercially-developed signal processing technology and more.

Rodger H. Hosking - VP and co-founder, Pentek, Inc.
Darren McCarthy - A&D Marketing Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Ching Hu - Senior Marketing Manager, Altera
German Linares - Staff Systems Engineer, Mercury

John Mchale - Editorial Director, OpenSystems Media
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