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The Open Group

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SOSA aligned sensor processing platform from Mercury Systems runs successful demo at Open Group TIM - News

September 14, 2021

U.S. ARMY FACE and SOSA TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE MEETING -- HUNTSVILLE, Ala. Mercury Systems reports a successful demonstration of its Model 8256 Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) aligned development platform at the U.S. Army FACE and SOSA Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM), held today (September 14) in Huntsville, Alabama. 


Open architecture initiatives bolster unmanned sensors and systems - Story

May 05, 2021

The advent of unmanned systems reflects a huge aspect of warfare – that of protecting the warfighter – through the development of platforms that can be operated by humans from a distance, keeping them out of harm’s way. Some of these platforms are actually on the way to becoming fully autonomous. Hurdles in the way of both manufacturers and end users include interoperability and cost-efficiency. Although these hurdles are challenging, organizations including The Open Group and corresponding consortia have made noticeable strides to standardize in an effort to universalize otherwise complex unmanned systems.


FACE approach gains new business guide from The Open Group - News

March 09, 2021

SAN FRANSISCO, Calif. The Open Group, the vendor-neutral technology consortium, has announced the launch of the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Business Guide, Version 3.0.


Virtual FACE/SOSA TIM event March 23 - News

February 17, 2021

SOLOMONS, Maryland. Officials from the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) and the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Consortia will be leading the Open Group FACE and SOSA Consortia Expo & Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) virtual event next month on March 23, 2021 from 11 am to 4 pm Est.


WEBCAST: SOSA Conformance and What it Means to You - News

February 16, 2021

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona. The Sensor Open System Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard applies open-architecture concepts to high-performance defense sensor systems such as radar, electronic warfare (EW), and signals intelligence (SIGINT) platforms. The goal of the standard is to design a non-propriety open systems architecture based on Department oif Defense (DoD)-relevant government or commercially available open standards to lower system development costs, and make system reconfigurability and future system upgrades easier and faster, thus improving overall C4ISR capabilities. A key part of the developing technical standard will be how to ensure conformance to the standard is met for hardware or SOSA modules claiming alignment with the Technical Standard. This webcast, titled "SOSA Conformance and What it Means to You," held Wednesday, February 24, featured SOSA Consortium experts discussing the current status of the Technical Standard, what the upcoming 1.0 release means for conforming to the standard, and how you should approach SOSA conformance for your products.


New HOST website now live - News

August 25, 2020

PATUXENT RIVER, Md. To those in tune with the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) driving the rapidly growing open systems market ecosystem (i.e. FACE, SOSA, CMOSS, etc.), a new platform for information on Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) comes online from NAVAIR PMA-209.


FACE Edition 2.0 avionics standard approved and published - News

March 04, 2013
DAYTON, OH. Officials at the Open Group announced that the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.0, -- has been unanimously approved and published by organization's Governing Board. The FACE standard essentially enables software applications that have the common FACE API to have portability across multiple avionics platforms -- from rotary wing to fixed wing to unmanned aircraft.