Military Embedded Systems
Company Directory
- 1CyberForce LLC
- 1st Edge
- 360i Research
- 3D Systems
- 3M Company
- 4DSP Inc.
- 5D Robotics
- 7Starlake
- 901d
- A-techsyn
- A.I. Redefined
- A2 Global
- A4Radar - Advanced Algorithms for Radar
- AAR Corporation
- AASKI Technology
- Abaco Systems
- Acceler Eyes
- Accenture Federal Services
- ACCES I/O Products
- Accrete
- Accrete AI
- Acnodes
- AcQ Inducom
- Acquired Data Solutions
- Acroamatics Telemetry Systems
- Acromag
- Acromatics
- Actel Corporation
- Aculab
- AdaCore
- Adaptive Optics Associates
- Adarga
- Adesto Technologies
- ADI Engineering
- ADL Embedded Solutions
- ADLINK Technology
- ADS Inc.
- Advanced Aircraft Company
- Advanced Chip and Circuit Materials
- Advanced Cooling Technologies (ACT)
- Advanced Electronics Company (AEC)
- Advanced Fusion Technologies
- Advanced Micro Peripherals
- Advanced Navigation
- Advanced Scientific Computing
- Advanced Scientific Concepts
- Advanced Technology International (ATI)
- Advanced Technology Systems Company
- AdvancedIO Systems, Inc.
- Advantech
- AE Industrial Partners
- Aegis Power Systems, Inc.
- Aerion Supersonic
- Aero Surveillance Inc.
- Aerobotix
- AeroDefense
- Aeroflex
- Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions
- Aerojet Rocketdyne
- Aeronautics, Ltd.
- Aeronix
- Aeroprobe
- Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)
- Aerospace Tech Week
- Aerovel
- AeroVironment, Inc.
- Aery Aviation
- Aeryon Defense USA
- Aetina Corp.
- AEVEX Aerospace
- AFuzion
- Agilent Technologies
- AI.Reverie
- Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (ALCMC)
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
- Air Tractor
- AirBorn
- Airbus
- Airbus CyberSecurity
- Airbus Defence & Space
- Airbus Helicopters, Inc.
- AirMap
- AIRMAR Technology Corporation
- AirSatOne LLC
- Aitech
- Akima
- Albany International
- Alcon
- Aldec
- Algorithmia
- Alion Science and Technology
- All.Space
- Allied Market Research
- Alligator Designs
- Alpha Data
- Alpha Data, Inc.
- Alphacore, Inc.
- ALPHI Technology
- ALT Software
- Alta Data Technologies
- Altair Engineering
- Altamira Technologies
- Altavian
- Altera
- Altium Limited
- Altron
- Altum RF
- AM General
- AME Unmanned Air Systems
- Amentum
- American Aerospace ISR
- American Portwell Technology, Inc.
- Ametek
- Amossys
- Ampex Data Systems
- Amphenol Military & Aerospace Operations
- Amphenol Printed Circuits
- AMREL Rugged Computers
- Analog Devices
- Analog Devices
- Analyst1
- Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI)
- Anchore
- Anchore, Inc.
- Anduril Industries
- Animetrics
- Annapolis Micro Systems
- Anomali, Inc.
- Anritsu
- ANSYS, Inc.
- Antara Teknik
- Aonix Limited
- Apacer
- Apex Waves
- API Technologies
- ApiSys
- Apogee Semiconductor
- Appistry
- Applied Avionics
- Applied DNA Science
- Applied Dynamics International
- Applied Energetics
- Applied Insight
- Applied Technology Associates
- Aptima
- Aptima
- Aptiv
- Aquabotix
- ARA (Applied Research Solutions)
- Arbor Technology
- Archer Aviation
- Ardenna
- Area-I
- Arent Fox LLP
- Arista Networks
- Arizona State University (ASU)
- Arm
- Arnold Defense
- Arotech Corporation
- ArrayFire
- Artesyn Embedded Technologies
- Artisan Software Tools
- Ascension
- Ascent AeroSystems
- Ascent Vision Technologies
- Ascent Vision Technologies
- ASD Reports
- Aspen Consulting Group
- Assured Information Technology
- ASTN Group
- Astrapi Corporation
- Astro Aerospace
- Astrodyne Power Supplies
- Astrodyne TDI
- Astronautics Corporation of America
- Astronics (world headquarters)
- Astronics Test Systems
- Astrotech Space Operations, LLC
- Astute Analytica
- AT&T
- Atego Systems
- Athena AI
- AtHoc
- ATLAS Space Operations
- Atrenne Computing Solutions
- Attain, LLC.
- ATTO Technology
- Auburn University
- AURA Technologies
- Aurora Flight Sciences
- Austal Limited
- Australian Defence Force
- Autodyne
- Avalanche Technology
- Avatar Integrated Systems
- Averna
- Avionics Interface Technologies
- Avnet
- Axellio
- Axnes
- Aydin Displays
- Azure Summit Technology
- Babcock International
- BAE Systems
- Ball Aerospace
- Banc3
- Barco Defense
- Bastille
- Batelle
- Bath Iron Works
- Battlespace Simulations
- BCC Research
- Bechtel National
- Beechcraft Defense
- Behlman Electronics
- Bell Textron
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
- Benchmark Electronics
- Benchmark Secure Technology
- Benet Laboratories
- Berry Aviation
- Beyond2000 Ltd.
- BigLever Software, Inc.
- BioFlyte
- BIS Research
- Bittium
- BittWare
- Bivio Networks
- Black Box Corp.
- Black Diamond Advanced Technology
- Black Sage
- Blackberry
- BlackSky
- Blighter Surveillance Systems
- Block MEMS
- Bloomy
- Blue Canyon Technologies
- Blue Halo
- Blue Pearl Software
- Blue Prism
- Blue Sky Network
- Blue Water Embedded
- BlueBird Aero Systems
- Bluefin Robotics
- BlueHalo
- Boeing
- Bohemia Interactive Simulations
- Boldend
- Bombardier
- Boom Supersonic
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Boston Dynamics
- Bounce Imaging
- Boyd Corporation
- BrainGu
- Brame Technologies
- BrandEssence Research
- Bren-Tronics, Inc.
- Brimrose Technology
- Business Enabled Acquisition & Technology (B.E.A.T. LLC)
- C&K
- Calibre Systems
- Calspan Systems Corporation
- Cambium Networks
- Cambridge Design Partners
- Cambridge Pixel
- Cambridge Quantum Computing
- Capella Space
- Carlisle Interconnect Technologies
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Carnegie Robotics, LLC
- Cascade Aerospace
- Cassidian
- Catch A Lift Fund
- Celerium, Inc.
- Celestica
- Cellcrypt
- Cellula Robotics, USA
- CenSec
- Centauri
- Cepoint Networks, LLC.
- Cepton Technologies
- Certicom
- CesiumAstro
- CEVA, Inc.
- Charles River Analytics
- Chassis Plans
- Cheetah RAID Storage
- Chemring Countermeasures USA (CCM USA)
- Chess Dynamics
- Chiron Technology Services
- Cinch Connectivity Solutions
- Circor
- Cisco
- Citadel Defense
- Citadel Defense Company
- Clarifai
- Clearspeed
- CMC Electronics
- Cobham
- CodeMettle
- CodeSourcery
- Cog
- Cognitive Science and Solutions
- Cole Engineering
- Collins Aerospace
- Colorado Engineering, Inc.
- Comark Corp.
- Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) C5ISR Center
- Commaris
- Communications & Power Industries LLC (CPI)
- Communications Power & Industries
- ComSec
- COMSovereign Holding Corp.
- Comtech EF Data Corp.
- Comtech PST Corp.
- Comtech Telecommunications
- Concept Development, Inc.
- Concurrent Computer Corporation
- Concurrent Real-Time
- Concurrent Technologies
- Concurrent Technologies (gocct)
- Conduant Corporation
- Congatec
- Connect Tech, Inc.
- Constellation Technology
- ConsuNova
- Contour Energy Systems
- Core Avionics & Industrial, Inc. (COREAVI)
- Core Systems
- Cornell University
- Corsha
- Corvid Technologies
- Coto Technology Inc.
- Coverity
- CP Technologies
- CPI Aerostructures
- CPU Technology, Inc.
- Cradlepoint
- Crane Aerospace and Electronics
- Cranfield University
- Creative Electronic Systems
- Critical I/O
- Critical Link
- CriticalBlue
- CRL Technologies
- Crossfield Technology
- Crown Point Systems
- Cryptography Research, Inc.
- Crystal Group
- Crystek
- CSRA, Inc.
- Cubic
- Curtiss-Wright
- Custom Electronics
- Cyber Command
- CyberRadio Solutions
- Cybord
- Cypress Semiconductor
- D-Fend Solutions
- D-TA Systems, Inc.
- D. Pagan Communications, INC.
- D2iQ
- DAFCA, Inc.
- Dannar
- Dannar
- Darkhive
- Dassault Systemes
- Data Device Corporation (DDC)
- Data Link Solutions (DLS)
- Datakey
- DataPath
- DataShapes AI
- Dawn VME Products
- dB Control
- DCS Corporation
- DdynCorp International
- DecisionEdge
- Decisive Analytics Corporation
- Dedicated Computing
- Dedrone
- DeepSig, Inc.
- Deepwave Digital, Inc.
- Defence IQ
- Defense Automotive Technologies Consortium (DATC)
- Defense Information Systems Agency
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
- Defense Strategies Institute
- Dejero
- Deloitte
- Delta Digital Video
- Delta Information Systems
- DeltaQuad
- Demonstration of Existing Technologies (DET)
- Denchi Power
- Department of Energy
- Descartes Labs
- Development Seed
- Devo
- Dexter Edward
- DFend Solutions
- DfR Solutions
- Diagnostic and Defense Technology Analysts, Inc.
- Dialog Semiconductor
- Diamond Microwave
- Diamond Systems Corporation
- Diehl Defence
- Digilent
- Digilent
- Digital Harmonic
- Digital Systems Engineering (DSE)
- Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
- Diligent Consulting
- DiSTI Corporation
- Ditto
- DIU [Defense Innovation Unit]
- Diversified Technical Systems, Inc.
- Diversified Technologies
- DJM Electronics
- DLT Solutions
- Dontech, Inc.
- DornerWorks
- Dragonfly Pictures Inc.
- Draper Laboratory
- DroneShield
- DRS Technologies
- DSFederal
- DSFederal
- DT Research
- DTC Communications
- DTECH Labs
- Duality Technologies
- Dubai Airshow
- Dun & Bradstreet
- Durabook Federal
- Dynamic Research Corporation
- Dynamite Global Strategies
- Dynatem
- Dynetics
- e-con Systems
- E-Space
- EADS North America
- Eagle Harbor Solutions LLC (EHS)
- EarthDaily Analytics
- Eastern OptX
- Easy Aerial
- Echodyne
- ECI Telecom
- Ecrin Systems
- Edge Autonomy
- EdgeCortix
- EdgeTech
- Edgybees
- EIZO Rugged Solutions
- EKF Elektronik
- Elbit Systems
- Elbit Systems of America
- Elgens
- Elistair
- Elma Electronic
- ELTA North America
- em.tronic
- Embedded Computing Design
- Embention
- Embraer Defense and Security
- Emcore
- Emergen Research
- Emerson
- Emphase
- Enablence Technologies, Inc.
- End to End Enterprise Solutions
- Endeavor Robotics
- Energous
- Engility Holdings
- Engineering Design Team (EDT)
- Engineering Services Network
- Enlighten
- Entropy Electro-Mechanical Solutions
- Envistacom
- Envitia
- EOIR Technologies, Inc.
- Epiq Solutions
- Epirus Systems
- EpiSci
- Equipment Reliability Institute
- ERNI Electronics, Inc.
- Escrypt, Inc.
- Espion International, Inc.
- Esri
- Esterline
- Etion Create
- Ettus Research
- Euresys
- EuroDASS
- European Space Agency
- European Union Aviation Safety Agency
- Eurotech Group
- Everfox
- Everspin Technologies, Inc.
- EVERYWHERE Communications
- Evolve Business Intelligence
- Exail ECA Group
- Excalibur Systems
- Excelsys Technologies
- Exiger
- Exosonic
- Exostiv Labs
- Exovera
- Expanse
- Express Logic
- Exquadrum
- Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES)
- FACE Consortium
- Fairbanks Morse
- Fairview Microwave
- Falcon Electric, Inc.
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- FedEx Express
- Ferrous Systems
- Fibrotex USA, Inc.
- Fidelis Cybersecurity
- Firefly
- FirePoint Innovations
- Fischer Connectors
- Fixmo
- Flexxon
- FLIR Systems, Inc.
- Fluor
- Flyer Defense
- FN Herstal
- ForAllSecure
- Forcepoint
- Forecast International
- Forescout Technologies
- Fortem Technologies, Inc.
- Fortinet
- Freescale Semiconductor
- FreeWave Technologies
- French defense ministry
- Frequentis Defense Inc.
- Frontgrade Technologies
- Frontier Technology
- Frost & Sullivan
- Fuse Integration
- FUTURA Cyber
- Future Market Insights
- GaGe by Vitrek
- Galleon Embedded Computing
- Gallium Semiconductor
- Galvion
- Garmin International
- GDP Space Systems
- GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc.
- General Atomics
- General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
- General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems
- General Dynamics
- General Dynamics Electric Boat
- General Dynamics Information Technology
- General Dynamics Land Systems
- General Dynamics Mission Systems
- General Electric
- General Electric Aviation
- General Micro Systems, Inc.
- General Motors
- General Services Administration (GSA)
- Generation Orbit Launch Services, Inc.
- Gentex Corp.
- GenXComm
- Geodetics
- Georgia Tech Research Institute
- Geospark Analytics
- GeoSpectrum Technologies
- GET Engineering
- Get SAT
- Getac
- Gibbs & Cox, Inc.
- Giga-tronics
- GitLab Federal
- Global Industry Analysts
- Global Lighting Technologies
- Global Market Insights
- GlobalData
- GMD Research
- GoAhead Software
- GomSpace
- goTenna
- Government Executive Media Group
- GovSat
- Gowanda Electronics
- GPS Source
- GrammaTech
- Grand View Research
- Great River Technology
- Green Hills Software, Inc.
- Greene Tweed
- Greenliant
- Greystones Group
- Grid Defence Systems
- Gryphon Technologies LC
- GSI Technology
- GSI Technology
- GSTS (Global Spatial Technology Solutions)
- Guardtime Federal
- HackerOne
- Hadean
- Haivision
- Hale Hamilton Circor
- Handheld US
- Hardcore Computer
- Harris Corp
- Harris Corporation
- HARTING, Inc. of North America
- Harwin
- HawkEye 360
- Hawkeye Systems, Inc.
- Headstrong
- Heartwood
- HEICO Corp.
- Helsing
- Hemisphere GNSS
- Hermeus Corporation
- Heron Systems
- Herrick Technology Laboratories
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Hexagon
- HGH Infrared Systems
- HiddenLayer
- HighRely Incorporated
- HILEVEL Technology
- Hiller Measurements
- Hionos
- Hionos
- Holt Integrated Circuits
- Honeywell
- Honeywell
- HoodTech Vision
- Horizon31
- Houston Mechatronics
- Hover, Inc.
- HRL Laboratories
- HTX Labs
- Hughes Network Systems
- HumanTouch
- Huntington Ingalls Industries
- HUVRdata
- Hybricon Corporation
- Hybrid Air Vehicle (HAV)
- Hypergiant
- Hypersonix
- Hypori
- IAP Worldwide Services, Inc.
- IceMOS Technology
- Icon Labs
- Idaho Scientific
- ideaForge
- iDirect Government
- IFS North America
- iGov
- Imagize LLC
- Immersive Wisdom
- Immersive Wisdom, Inc.
- Immervision
- Imperas
- Impossible Aerospace
- Impulse Accelerated
- IMT Vislink
- Indra
- Industrial Electronic Engineers (IEE)
- Infineon Technologies
- Infoscitex
- InHand Electronics
- Inmarsat
- Innodisk Corporation
- Innovasic Semiconductor
- Innovation Digital
- Insight Partners
- Insitu
- Inspur
- InstantEye Robotics
- Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR)
- Integrate
- Integrated Microwave Technologies
- Integre Technologies
- Intel Corporation
- Intellectual Property Developers
- Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)
- Intelligent Artifacts
- Intelligent Decisions
- Intelligent Energy
- Intelligent Software Solutions
- Intelligent Waves
- IntelliPower Systems
- Intellisense Systems
- Intelsat
- Interconnect Systems
- Interface Concept
- International Battery
- International Rectifier
- Interos
- Intersil
- Interstate Connecting Components (ICC)
- Intilop
- Intopix
- Intrinsic ID
- Intuitive Machines
- InuTeq, LLC.
- InVeris Training
- Inzpire
- ioSafe
- IQ-Analog Corporation
- IRCameras
- Iridium
- Iris Automation
- iRobot
- Iron Bow
- IronNet Cybersecurity
- Isola Group
- Isotropic Systems
- Israel Aerospace Industries
- ITT Cannon LLC
- ITT Inc.
- Iveco Defence Vehicles
- iVeia
- IvySys Technologies
- IXI Technology
- Jacobs
- Jamco America, Inc.
- Jane's by IHS Market
- JANUS Research Group
- JetPack Aviation
- Joby Aviation
- Johnston Engineering
- Juniper Networks
- K2 Space
- Kama Corporation
- Kaman Corporation
- Karem Aircraft
- Karman
- KBRwyle
- Kelvin Hughes
- Kent Periscopes
- Keysight Technologies
- KeyW Holding Corporation
- Khronos Group
- Kimdu
- Kimdu
- Kineis
- Kinnami
- Kittyhawk
- Kitware
- Klas Group
- Kleos Space
- Klocwork
- Knowesis
- Kodiak Robotics
- Kognitiv Spark
- Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace
- Kongsberg Geospatial
- Kontron
- Kopin Corporation
- Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.
- Kraken Robotics
- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
- Kraus Hamdani Aerospace
- Kreeger Research
- Kumu Networks
- Kutta Technologies
- KVH Industries
- Kyocera
- Kythera
- L-3 Communications
- L3 Technologies
- L3Harris Technologies
- Laird Technologies, Inc.
- Lane Electronics
- Lansdale Semiconductor
- Lantronix
- Larus Technologies
- LatConnect 60
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- LCR Embedded Systems
- LDRA Technology
- Leader Tech
- LeddarTech inc.
- Leidos
- LEOcloud
- LeoLabs
- Leonardo
- Leonardo DRS
- LGS Innovations
- Lime Micro
- Lincad
- Lineaje
- Liquid Robotics
- LIS Solutions
- Liteye Systems, Inc.
- Littlefuse
- Littlefuse
- Lockheed Martin
- Logic-X
- Logos Technologies
- Lone Star Analysis
- LSI Corporation
- Lucintel
- Lumen Technologies
- Lynred
- LynuxWorks
- Lynx Software Technologies
- MacAulay-Brown, Inc.
- Macrolink
- MAG Aerospace
- Magics Technologies
- Magnalight
- Major Tool & Machine, Inc.
- Mannarino Systems and Software
- ManTech
- MapuSoft Technologies
- Marduk Technologies
- Marduk Technologies
- Market Forecast
- Markets and Markets
- Marotta Controls
- Marshall AI
- Martek Power
- Martin Defense Group
- Martin UAV
- Marvell
- Marvin Test Solutions
- Mass Virtual
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MathWorks
- MatrixSpace
- Mattermost
- Maxar Technologies
- Maxon Motor
- Mayman Aerospace
- MBX Systems
- McAfee
- McObject
- MD Helicopters
- MEADS International
- Meggitt Avionics
- Meggitt Defense Systems, Inc.
- Mellanox Technologies
- MEN Mikro Elektronik
- Menlo Microsystems
- Mentor
- Mentor Graphics Corporation
- Mercury Systems
- Meritec
- Merlin
- Meroxa
- Metal Shark
- Metamagnetics
- MetaVR
- Metawave
- Metron
- Micro Focus
- Microchip Technology
- MicroMax Computer Intelligence
- MicroMax Technology
- Micron Technology
- Micropilot
- Microsemi
- Microsoft
- Micross
- MicroTech
- Microwave Products Group (MPG)
- MIKOH Corporation Limited
- Mikros Systems Corporation
- MilDef Inc.
- MilesTek
- Military Embedded Systems
- Millennium Space Systems
- Milpower Source
- Milrem Robotics
- MilSource
- MIPS Technologies
- Mission Ready Solutions
- Mistral Univision, Ltd.
- Mitcham Industries, Inc.
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
- MixComm
- MKS, Inc.
- Moback, Inc.
- Mobilicom
- Mobix Labs
- ModalAI
- Modern Intelligence
- Modern Intelligence
- Modern Technology Solutions Inc. (MTSI)
- Modus Operandi
- Molex
- Montavista Software
- Moog Space and Defense Group
- MPG Instruments
- MPL AG Switzerland
- mPower Technology
- MS Kennedy
- MSubs Ltd
- MVRsimulation
- Mynaric
- Nallatech
- Nammo
- NanoRacks LLC
- Nantenna
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- National Reconnaissance Office
- National Science Foundation
- National Security Agency
- National Semiconductor
- National Technical Systems, Inc. (NTI)
- Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
- Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD)
- Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
- Naval Surface Warfare Center - Carderock Division
- Naval Surface Warfare Center - Crane Division
- Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport
- Navistar Defense, LLC
- Navy League of the United States
- Navy League of the United States
- Navy League's Sea-Air-Space
- NCI Information Systems
- Near Earth Autonomy
- Nearthlab
- NEC Corporation
- Nedinsco Venlo
- Neousys Technology
- Neptec
- NetRise
- Netronome
- New Wave Design
- NewSat North America
- Nexvision
- Neya Systems
- NGD Systems
- NI (National Instruments)
- NIC4
- Nightforce Optics
- Nokia
- North American Surveillance Systems, Inc. (NASS)
- North Atlantic Industries
- Northrop Grumman
- Northwest UAV
- Nova Electric
- Novatel
- NovAtel, Inc.
- Novator
- Novator Solutions
- NovoDynmanics, Inc.
- NSF International Strategic Registrations
- Numerica Corp.
- NuWaves Engineering
- nVent Schroff
- NXP Semiconductors
- NXT Communications Corporation
- NXTCOMM Defense
- ObjectFX
- Objective Interface Systems
- Octagon Systems
- Octasic
- Octo Consulting Group
- Octopus ISR
- ODU Aerospace
- Oerkilon
- OIS Advanced Technology
- Okta
- Omnetics Connector Corporation
- Omnispace
- ON Semiconductor
- One Stop Systems (OSS)
- OneWeb
- OnTime Networks
- Opal Kelly
- Open Kernal Labs, Inc.
- Open.Tech by Amphenol
- OpenSAF Foundation
- OpenSystems Media
- Operation Care and Comfort
- Operation Healing Forces
- Optisys
- Oracle Cloud
- Orbit Communication Systems
- Orbital ATK
- Origin UAV
- Orion Space Solutions (OSS)
- Orion Technologies
- Orion Technology Group
- Orolia
- Oshkosh Defense
- OtterBox
- OTTO Engineering
- OTTO Engineering
- Ovzon
- Owl Cyber Defense
- Owl Cyber Defense Solutions
- OWT Global
- P3 Tech Consulting
- Pacific Defense
- PacStar
- Palantir
- Palladyne AI
- Palomar Display Products
- Panasonic
- PAR Government Systems
- Paradigm SRP
- Parallax Advanced Research
- Parasoft
- Paravision
- ParaZero
- Parker Aerospace
- Parker Hannafin Corporation
- Parry Labs
- Parsons
- Parvus
- Pasternack
- PathFinder Digital
- Patria
- Patriot Scientific Corporation
- Patriot3
- PC/104
- Pen Aviation
- Penguin Computing
- Pentek, now part of Mercury
- Per Vices Corporation
- Peraton
- Perceptronics
- Pergravis, LLC
- Persistent Systems
- Perspecta Labs
- Phase Four
- Phoenix International Holdings, Inc.
- Phoenix International Systems
- Phoenix LLC
- Physical Optics Corp
- Piasecki Aircraft Corp.
- PickNik
- PickNik Robotics
- Pico Computing
- Pico Electronics
- Pigeon Point Technologies
- Pinnacle Imaging Systems
- Pipistrel
- Pixus Technologies
- Planck AeroSystems
- Plath Signal Products
- Pleora Technologies
- PNI Sensor
- Polaris Alpha
- Polaris Government and Defense
- Polte
- Portsmith
- Positronic
- Power.Org
- PPM Systems
- Pratt Miller Defense
- Praxis Engineering
- Precision Hermetic Technology
- PrecisionHawk
- PredaSAR
- Preligens
- Presagis
- Presto Engineering
- Primer AI
- Privoro
- Protolabs
- pSemi Corporation
- PULAU Corp.
- Purdue Global
- Purdue University
- Qii.AI
- Qinetiq
- QinetiQ North America
- Qioptic
- QLogic
- QNX Software Systems
- Qorvo
- Qualcomm, Inc.
- Quantic Electronics
- Quantic Evans
- QuantLR
- Quantum Dynamics Enterprises, Inc.
- Quantum Leap Solutions
- Quantum Leaps
- Quantum-Systems
- Quantum3D, Inc.
- Quell
- QuEra
- QuickLogic
- Quintron Systems, Inc.
- QWK Integrated Solutions
- QYResearch Global
- R4 Integration, Inc.
- RADA Electronic Industries
- Radant Technologies Division of Communications & Power Industries (CPI)
- Radiance Technologies, Inc.
- Radiant Solutions
- Radiation Test Solutions
- RadiSys
- Radmor
- Raft AI
- Rajant
- Rambus
- Ramon.Space
- Rantec
- RapidFlight
- Rapita Systems
- Rave Computer
- Ravenswood Solutions
- Raytheon Company
- Raytheon Intelligence & Space
- Raytheon Missiles & Defense
- Raytheon Technologies
- RDDS Avionics LTD
- Real Time Innovations (RTI)
- REAN Cloud
- Rebel Alliance
- Rebel Space Technologies
- Recorded Future
- Red Cat
- Red Hat
- Red Rapids
- REDARC Defence Systems Pty Ltd.
- Redcom Laboratories
- RedTail LiDAR Systems
- Redwire
- Reflex Photonics
- Regal Technology Partners
- Reliable Robotics
- Remcom
- Remote Backup Systems
- Renault Trucks Defense
- Renesas
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Reports and Data
- Research and Markets
- Research Dive
- Research Nester
- Resolvn
- Reticulate Micro
- Retlif Testing Laboratories
- Reveal Technology
- RGB Spectrum
- RGNext
- Rhea Space Activity
- Rheinmetall Waffe Munition
- Ripl Networks
- Riptide Autonomous Solutions
- Riptide Software
- Riverside Research
- Robbins-Gioia
- Robin Radar Systems
- Robotican
- Rochester Electronics
- Rocket Lab USA
- Rockwell Collins
- Rohde & Schwarz
- Roke
- Rolls-Royce
- Rome Research Corporation
- RoweBots Research, Inc.
- Royal Navy
- Royce Geo
- RT Logic
- RTD Embedded Technologies
- RunSafe Security
- RunTime Computing Solutions
- S2 Corporation
- S5 Intelligence
- SA Photonics
- Saab
- Saalex
- Sabtech
- Safran
- Sagetech Corporation
- SAKOR Technologies Inc.
- Salient CRGT
- Samsung
- Samtec
- SandboxAQ
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Sarcos Defense
- SatixFy Communications
- SatixFy Communications
- SBG Systems
- SBS Technologies
- Scalable Network Technologies
- Scandinavian Avionics
- Schiebel
- SCI Technology
- SCI Technology
- Sciens Innovations
- Scientic
- Scientific Research Corp.
- Scientific Systems Company Inc. (SSCI)
- SciTec
- SDK Embedded Systems
- SEAKR Engineering
- Sealevel Systems, Inc.
- Sealing Technologies
- Second Front Systems
- Seica USA
- Semtech
- SENER Aeroespacial
- Sensata Technologies
- Senseeker Engineering
- Sensonor
- Sensoray
- Sentient Vision
- Septentrio
- Serco, Inc.
- SES Government Solutions
- SES Space & Defense
- SES Techcom
- SETI Institute
- SFC Energy AG
- SFC Smart Fuel Cell AG
- Shield AI
- Shift5
- SiCore Technologies
- Siemens Digital Industries Software
- Siemens Government Technologies
- Sierra Nevada Corporation
- Sierra Space
- Sierra Technical Services, Inc.
- Sierra-Olympic Technologies
- SightLine Applications
- Sigma Defense
- Sigma Labs
- Sigmatix
- Signal Hound
- Signify
- Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company
- Silent Falcon UAS Technologies
- Silicon Designs
- Silicon Graphics International Corp.
- Silicon Power (SP) Industrial
- Silvus Technologies
- Silvus Technologies
- SIMBA Chain, Inc.
- SimCentric Technologies
- Simple Technology Solutions
- Simventions
- SimX
- SiOnyx, LLC
- Sital Technology
- SiTime
- Skydio
- Skydweller Aero, Inc.
- Skyfire AI
- Skyfire Consulting
- SkyGrid
- SkyHopper
- Skylo Technologies
- SkyWatch
- SkyWater Technology
- Slingshot Aerospace
- Small PC Computers
- SMART Embedded Computing
- SMART Global Holdings, Inc.
- Smart Information Flow Technologies
- SMART Modular Technologies
- Smartronix
- Smiths Detection
- Smiths Interconnect
- Social Mobile
- Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
- SolarEdge
- SolarWinds
- Solers, Inc.
- Solvistec Imaging
- Somewear Labs
- Sonaca Group
- SOSA Consortium
- SOSi
- Sotera Defense Solutions
- Southwest Research Institute
- SP Power
- Space Development Agency
- Space Micro
- Spaceflight Industries
- SpaceLink
- SpaceX
- Spark Integration Technologies
- SparkCognition
- SparkCognition Government Systems
- Sparton Navigation & Exploration
- Spatial Integrated Systems
- Spear Power Systems, Inc.
- Special Operations Warrior Foundation
- Specialty Silicone Products (SSP)
- Spectranetix
- Spectrum Control
- SpiderOak
- Spire Global
- Spirent
- Spirit AeroSystems
- Spirit Electronics
- Splunk
- Spraycool
- SRC Computers, LLC
- SRI International
- Standex Electronics
- Standing NATO Maritime Group One
- Star Communications, Inc.
- Star Lab Software
- STC (an Arcfield Co.)
- Stealth
- Stealth Technologies
- Steatite
- SteelCloud
- Stellamar
- STEMBoard
- Stratasys
- StratEdge Corp.
- Strategic Defence Intelligence
- Stratolaunch
- Stratom
- STREIT Group
- Stryten Energy
- Summit 7
- Summit Technical Solutions
- Summit2Sea Consulting
- Sundance DSP
- Sundance Multiprocessor Technology
- SuperCat
- Supermicro
- SV Microwave
- Swift Navigation
- Swissbit
- Symetrica, Inc.
- Symmetricom
- Symtavision
- Synack
- Synopsys
- Synqor
- Systel, Inc.
- Systematic, Inc.
- Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. (SPA)
- Tactical Air Support, Inc. (TACAIR)
- Tactical Communications Group, LLC
- Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Tadiran
- Tail-f Systems
- Talyn Air
- Tampa Microwave
- Tapestry Solutions
- Taqtile
- Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL)
- TD Synnex Public Sector
- TDK Corporation
- TE Connectivity
- Teal Drones
- Teal Group
- TECA Corporation
- Techaya
- Technavio
- Technica Corp.
- Technologic Systems
- TechSci Research
- TechSource, Inc.
- Tekever
- Tektronix
- TeleCommunication Systems, Inc.
- Teledyne
- Teledyne e2v
- Teledyne FLIR
- Teledyne Gavia
- Teledyne LeCroy
- Teledyne RD Instruments
- Teledyne SeaBotix
- Teledyne Technologies
- Telephonics Corporation
- Telos
- TenAsys
- Tenosar Corporation
- Terma
- Terra Drone
- Test and Verification Solution (TVS)
- Tetra Tech
- TEWS Technologies
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Instruments
- Textron
- Thales
- Thales eSecurity, Inc.
- ThalesRaytheonSystems
- ThanksUSA
- The Business Research Company
- The Insight Partners
- The Open Group
- The Spaceport Company
- The Whiskey Project
- Themis Computer
- Thermacore
- ThinKom Solutions
- ThroughPut, Inc.
- thyssenkrupp Marine Systems
- TiaLinx, Inc.
- Tilera
- Times Microwave Systems
- TMD Technologies
- Tomahawk Robotics
- TopLine Corp.
- Torch.AI
- Torrey Pines Logic
- Torrey Pines Logic
- Tower Semiconductor
- Trace Communications
- Tracewell Systems
- Trakka Systems
- TransDigm Group Incorporated
- Translattice
- Transparency Market Research
- Trenton Systems
- Tresys
- Triad RF Systems
- Triad Semiconductor
- Tribalco
- Trillium Engineering
- Triton Market Research
- Triumph Group
- Troll Systems
- Truck Lite
- True Anomaly
- Trueface
- TRX Systems
- TT Electronics PLC
- TTE Filters
- TTI, Inc.
- TTTech
- Tucson Embedded Systems
- Tyan
- Tyonek Native Corp.
- Tyonek Services Group, Inc.
- Tyto Athene
- Tyvak
- U.K. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
- U.K. Ministry of Defence
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Army Research Laboratory
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
- U.S. Department of Defense?s (DOD) Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Marine Corps
- U.S. Missile Defense Agency
- U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- U.S. Space Force
- UAV Factory
- UAV Navigation
- UAV Solutions
- UAV Turbines
- uAvionix
- uAvionix
- Ubihere
- Ultisat
- Ultra Electronics
- Ultra Electronics Holdings and Sparton Corporation
- Ultra Intelligence & Communications
- Ultra Measurement Systems
- Umbra
- Unifly
- Uniquify
- Unisys Corporation
- United Electronic Industries (UEI)
- United Launch Alliance
- United Technologies
- Universal Avionics
- Universal Synaptics Corporation
- University of Arizona
- University of Central Florida
- University of Dayton Research Institute
- University of Florida
- University of Massachusetts Lowell
- University of Nebraska
- University of North Dakota (UND)
- University of Sydney
- Uptake
- US Ignite
- UTC Aerospace Systems
- UVision
- V2X
- VadaTech
- Valiant Integrated Services
- ValidaTek
- Valuates Reports
- Vanilla Aircraft
- Vantage Market Research
- Variscite
- Varjo
- VarTech Systems, Inc.
- Vector Software
- Vector Space Systems
- VectorNav
- Vectra AI
- Veeam
- Vencore
- Veraxx Engineering
- Verified Market Research
- Verizon
- Verocel, Inc.
- Verotec
- VersaLogic Corporation
- Vertex Aerospace
- Vertex Aerospace
- Verus Research
- VIA Technologies, Inc.
- ViaSat
- Vicor Corporation
- Viewpoint Systems
- Vigor
- Viking Technology
- Virage Logic
- Virsec
- Virtium
- Virtualitics
- VirtualMetrix
- Visiongain
- Vislink
- Visure Solutions
- VITA Standards Organization
- VITA Technologies
- Vizinex RFID
- VMD Corp.
- VORAGO Technologies
- Vortex Optics
- VOS Systems
- Voyager
- VPT Rad
- VPT, Inc.
- VSE Corporation
- VT Group
- VT Miltope
- VTG Inc.
- Vuzix
- W. L. Gore & Associates
- WB Group
- WDL Systems
- Weibel Scientific A/S
- WEROCK Tools
- Weschler Instruments
- White Electronic Designs Corporation
- Wichita State University
- Win Enterprises
- Wind River
- Wineman Technology
- Wing Aviation
- Winmate, Inc.
- WinSystems
- Wireless Innovation Forum
- WISER Systems, Inc.
- WiTricity
- WOLF Advanced Technology
- Wolfspeed
- wolfSSL
- WORK Microwave
- X-Bow Systems
- Xage Security
- Xage Security
- Xcel Energy
- Xentris Wireless
- xG Technology, Inc.
- Xilinx
- Xponential
- XWing
- Yank Technologies
- York Space Systems
- Z Advanced Computing
- Zarges
- ZE Government Solutions
- Zen Technologies
- Zero-Error Systems
- Zero-G Radiation Assurance
- ZeroEyes
- ZeroEyes
- Zion Market Research
- ZMicro
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