Roke VTA 2.0 target indicator launched at AUVSI
NewsAugust 15, 2013

WASHINGTON. Roke launched version 2.0 of its Visual Target Analysis (VTA) system at the 2013 Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) conference. VTA 2.0 is a moving target indicator system that uses video streams from manned or unmanned aircraft to tracks and map vehicles and personnel in real time.
The VTA 2.0 stabilized video output supports multiple channels simultaneously for clear interpretation of events. The system also issues automatic alerts when it detects moving personnel and vehicles. Other enhancements included in version 2.0 are an Application Programming Interface (API) for easy integration, as well as improved performance efficiency.
"The new release of VTA builds on Roke's experience to-date in delivering operators the capability to track and map vehicle and personnel movement in real-time Unmanned Aerieal Vehicle (UAV) surveillance footage,” says Greg Moore, Business Sector Manager, Roke. “The system provides an operational advantage to operators who are under pressure, and is a highly intuitive capability that requires little training before they can quickly deliver useable ground movement intelligence."
For more information on the VTA platform, visit