U.S. Navy hypersonic program selects VTG for strike capability
NewsSeptember 14, 2021

CHANTILLY, Va. VTG, provider of force modernization and digital transformation solutions, announced that it has won a prime contract from the U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) to provide engineering services for the Navy's hypersonic strike capability.
Under the single-award contract, VTG claims it will support the Conventional Prompt Strike Program Office (CPS), a division of SSP, with research and development experience, systems engineering, test planning and test engineering, logistics, and a range of programmatic and technical services.
CPS claims it will provide the Navy with a hypersonic conventional weapon capable of precise, timely, long-range strike against deep-inland, time-critical, soft- and medium-hardened targets in contested environments.
The missile, which is comprised of a hypersonic glide body and a two-stage booster, will fly at speeds exceeding Mach 5 and be launched from both surface ships and submarines. The Navy is the lead designer for the common hypersonic missile that will be fielded by both the Navy and the Army. The Navy plans to deploy the first CPS weapon system aboard the Zumwalt-class destroyers in FY2025 followed by the Virginia-class attack submarines in FY2028.