Satellite modems and equipment contract signed between Comtech and U.S. Navy
NewsNovember 18, 2024

CHANDLER, Ariz. Comtech Telecommunications won a sole-source contract from the U.S. Navy Information Warfare Systems Command to supply its U.S sovereign software-defined SLM-5650B satellite communications (SATCOM) modems, upgrade kits, firmware options, and technical support.
According to the announcement from Comtech, the contract has a four-year period of performance and is valued at more than $50 million.
The company announcement states that the software-defined Comtech SLM-5650B is currently used to support multiple critical U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and NATO waveforms, including DVB-S2X, and is designed to be able to easily add more waveforms and functions to meet emerging mission needs.