Military Embedded Systems

Webcast: Data Signal Analysis for Electronic Warfare on Dec. 13 at 2 pm Est


December 07, 2018

John M. McHale III

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

Webcast: Data Signal Analysis for Electronic Warfare on Dec. 13 at 2 pm Est

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona. For modern electronic warfare, battlefield success is enabled by the ability to aggregate massive amounts of data and process those streams into insightful, actionable outcomes. In a webcast, titled "Meeting Military Data Signal Analysis Imperatives," on Thursday, Dec. 13, at 2 om Est. industry experts will cover how data processing can distinguish between noise and a viable target where the speed of that processing can mean the difference between real-time intelligence and missed opportunities.

To register click here.

Moderating the presentation will be John McHale, Group Editorial Director for Military Embedded Systems.

The webcast is sponsored by ADLINK and LCR Embedded Systems and hosted by Military Embedded Systems online and OpenSystems Media.

For more information on the webcast, click here.