Military Embedded Systems

Spanish Army's air defense system to be modernized by Indra


September 27, 2024

Dan Taylor

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Spanish Army's air defense system to be modernized by Indra
Image via Indra

MADRID, Spain. Indra signed a framework agreement with the Spanish Ministry of Defence to upgrade the Spanish Army’s ground-based air defense system with advanced Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems, the company announced in a statement.

The contract includes the deployment of Mode 5/S IFF radar systems, which is intended to enhance the system's ability to distinguish between friendly and potentially hostile aircraft. The systems use encrypted interrogation to ensure positive identification, increasing airspace protection and reducing the risk of friendly fire, the statement reads.

The new IFF technology will be integrated into the firing direction centers of existing light and medium-sized anti-aircraft artillery operations centers, as well as into the MISTRAL missile launching positions and the medium-range HAWK batteries, according to the statement. Indra’s I50D Interrogator model, designed for rapid deployment, will be a major component of this modernization effort, the company says.

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