MC-130J avionics to DO-178B tool from Presagis
ProductMarch 13, 2012

Managing avionics safety certification challenges is a costly and time-consuming procedure, whether it is in military or commercial aircraft.
Managing avionics safety certification challenges is a costly and time-consuming procedure, whether it is in military or commercial aircraft. Engineers at Presagis in Montreal, though, are making it a little easier for military avionics designers through a Human Machine Interface (HMI) solution called VAPS XT-178.
The tool, which is being used by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics engineers for developing embedded graphics displays on the MC-130J Increment 3 program run by the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), can be used with ARINC 661 and non-ARINC 661 programs. Through its runtime architecture, it can produce displays that run on multiple hardware and software environments. The Presagis tool also has a path for compliance with the new DO-178C guidance standard. VAPS XT-178 is based Presagis’s VAPS XT.