8Tx / 8Rx, 0.075-6GHz ADRV9009-Based RF System-on-Module (RF-SoM)
Press ReleaseFebruary 09, 2024

The ADRV9009-ZU11EG is a highly integrated RF System-On-Module based on dual Analog Devices ADRV9009 wideband transceivers.
When combined with the ADRV2CRR-FMC carrier board and the AD-FMCOMMS8-EBZ FMC mezzanine card, this platform can be used for prototyping and reducing time-to-market for phased array and communication designs offering 8 Tx and 8 Rx RF channels. Multiple ADRV9009-ZU11EGs can be synchronized together for prototyping of complex multi-channel applications ensuring end-to-end deterministic latency and phase determinism.