Military Embedded Systems

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Analog Devices

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Analog Devices
Articles related to Analog Devices

Trusted on Earth. Qualified for Space. - Press Release

January 20, 2025

24 GHz to 44 GHz, Wideband, Microwave Upconverter


Discussing AOC, electronic warfare designs with Mike Jones of Analog Devices - Story

December 10, 2024

This week the 61st Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention is being held at the Gaylord Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. Electronic warfare (EW), spectrum dominance, and signals intelligence (SIGINT) and the RF, microwave, and signal-processing technologies behind them are key components of both the conference and the exhibition. The theme of this year’s event is “Electromagnetic Spectrum Warfare – The Great Power Competition.”

For a preview of AOC event and a look at the RF and microwave trends in EW and military communications, applications, I sat down with Mike Jones, a Senior Systems Integration Engineer at Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI). Following are several excerpts:


Optimizing MEMS IMU data coherence and timing in navigation systems - Story

November 25, 2024

Systems developers can use certain techniques to manage the gap between slow/asynchronous computing loops and high-performance data capture and processing in MEMS IMUs [micro-electromechanical system inertial measurement units] (MEMS IMUs >2000 Hz). Quick prototyping that provides time-relevant representation of MEM IMU responses will be an important step for defense-industry autonomous vehicle (AV) developers, who are seeking to manage both expansion of their mission profiles, along with the increasingly serious threats to their existing position, navigation, and timing (PNT) services.


Analog Devices Releases New Precision MEMS IMU Modules - Press Release

November 19, 2024

ADI expands its IMU portfolio with the ADIS1657x IMU Family. This small but powerful product offers the stability and vibration rejection of the previous tactical grade line, in a rugged 22.4x24.5x14mm package.


Analog Devices Introduces ADAR3006-CSL and ADAR3007-CSL - Press Release

November 19, 2024

The ADAR3006 and ADAR3007 are multi-beam, low power Satcom beamformers that enable both terrestrial gateways and satellite payloads. The unique 4 beam/4 channel architecture can easily scale depending on the number of beams required as well as number of elements.


SOSA approach’s impact on electronic warfare solutions - Story

October 10, 2024

The Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, Technical Standard has made deployment of new electronic warfare (EW) solutions faster and more modular now that a standardized chassis hardware framework has been established. No longer will the entire EW system need to be captive to a single supplier. The latest technology can now be released into the field without the need for new program specifications. EW integrators and their suppliers can focus on their specific area of expertise among the major system component blocks: radio-frequency (RF) front end, digital processing, and algorithms. Platform re-use can be accomplished with one or more of these three major components upgraded to a new solution. Integrators can now provide focused refresh upgrades in a more timely fashion based on the advancements in just one of these areas, without waiting for a revision through an entirely new program.


High Input Survivability, Low Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 12 GHz - Press Release

October 01, 2024

ADL8103 – 1.7dB NF and 6W (36dBm) Max Input Power