Three teams to compete for infantry squad vehicle production
NewsSeptember 03, 2019

WASHINGTON. The U.S. Army is one step closer to fielding a new infantry squad vehicle (ISV) after naming three industry leaders to develop prototypes. The $1 million mock-up contract is aimed toward reaching the Army's goal of producing new ISVs in 2020.
Officials claim that the modernized vehicles will provide enhanced tactical mobility for an infantry brigade combat team to move quickly around the battlefield.
The Army approved a procurement objective and plans to purchase 649 ISVs earlier this year. A nine-soldier infantry squad, along with associated equipment, will maneuver up to 5,000 pounds in the vehicles, according the the Army.
The competing teams include Oshkosh Defense/Flyer, GM Defense, and SAIC/Polaris. Following their early trials, the vehicles will be moved to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to undergo their second round of testing.