Military Embedded Systems

DoD selects Battelle team for microelectronics security research contract


December 12, 2017

Mariana Iriarte

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

COLUMBUS, Ohio. U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officials tapped Battelle for two contracts worth an estimated $23 million to conduct research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio in support of the Air Force Research Laboratory?s (AFRL) Sensors Directorate.

Under the Microelectronics and Embedded Systems Assurance (MESA) contract vehicle, engineers will continue its work to help the nation keep counterfeit and untrustworthy integrated circuits and embedded systems out of the military supply chain. Battelle is partnering with MacAulay-Brown, Inc. and the BerrieHill Research Division of Applied Research Associates under this contract.

The contracts span over the next four and half years building on Battelle’s experience in conducting basic and applied research on technologies designed to address the increasing threat and proliferation of counterfeit microelectronics and integrated circuits.

Tom Bergman, cyber program manager at Battelle, says “Ensuring the security and reliability of military microelectronics and embedded systems against the growing threat is an imperative.”

Read more on hardware security:

Designing COTS for data security

Using a hardware root of trust to decode software security

Developing effective hardware and software COTS security technologies


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