Military Embedded Systems

LVC training for Navy fleet readiness contract signed with SAIC


August 14, 2024

Lisa Daigle

Assistant Managing Editor

Military Embedded Systems

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RESTON, Va. Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) won a $120 million, five-year contract with the U.S. Navy -- specifically, the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) -- to continue the support of Tactical Training Group Pacific’s (TTGP) fleet-training mission.

Under the terms of the contract, SAIC will continue to provide required professional technical services for fleet synthetic training (FST) and live-virtual-constructive (LVC) war-game development and execution, along with subject-matter expert classroom instruction in warfighting doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), both at sea and on land, all of which will use government-furnished training systems and facilities. 

SAIC has provided Navy tactical and training requirement support under contracts for both the east and west coast Tactical and Expeditionary Warfare institutions.

According to the company's announcement, its scenario creation, training plans, and instructor development programs enable working through to efficient solutions to evolving TTGP requirements while offering the lowest transition risk to meet complex missions.


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