Artisan 3-D radar completes three years of sea-based trials
NewsJanuary 11, 2017

ARLINGTON, Va. Onboard the Royal navy's Type 23 Frigates, BAE Systems' Artisan 3-D radar system has completed three years of sea-based acceptance trials.
The contract, worth over an estimated $128 million (£105 million), tasks BAE Systems to develop, manufacture, and provide support for 19 of the radars for the Royal navy until 2022. The nineteenth Artisan 3-D radar has completed factory acceptance testing and all 19 radars will be delivered to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) by the middle of 2017.
In addition to the 11 frigates fitted to date, Artisan 3-D has also been fitted on the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, a landing platform dock assault ship, a landing platform helicopter assault ship and installed at MOD’s land-based test site at Portsdown Technology Park, Portsmouth.
Les Gregory, Director for Products and Training Services at BAE Systems says, Artisan 3-D radar has been tested and demostraed high performance to meet current and future threats. It provides surface surveillance and target tracking to support platform and weapon system requirements on a wide range of platforms.
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