Radar, EW testing solutions from Rohde & Schwarz shown at DSEI 2019
NewsSeptember 12, 2019

DSEI 2019--LONDON. Test and measurement equipment manufacturer Rohde & Schwarz is highlighting its radar and electronic warfare (EW) testing solutions at the DSEI 2019 show, held this week in London.
According to company information, Rohde & Schwarz has focused on bringing realistic scenarios in the radar and EW testing arenas – usually simulated in extensive field tests – to the lab, enabling engineers and developers to gain greater insight much earlier in the design and development phase.
One of the company's offerings is the Pulse Sequencer software, which is used in tandem with signal generators to closely simulate angle of arrival (AoA) in the lab to verify the direction-finding performance of radar warning receivers. Such an approach, say company officials, does away with the need for expensive field tests and creates complex simulations with static or moving emitters in a 3D scenario right in the lab.
Rohde & Schwarz also is showing its products that deal with digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jammers, which are used in the field to to deceive hostile radars and protect assets; the company uses high-end signal and spectrum analyzers and phase noise testers, designed to address all challenges during the design phase of such smart jammers, but also for system performance validation and production.
DSEI attendees may visit the company at Stand S1-350.