Law-Tech Connect™ Workshop for UAS/AAM Industry to Launch at AUVSI XPONENTIAL ‘22!
Sponsored StoryApril 12, 2022

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO. P3 Tech Consulting LLC announces the launch of its inaugural Law-Tech Connect™ Workshop, co-located with AUVSI XPONENTIAL '22, on Monday, April 25th at the Orange County Convention Center-West, Orlando, Florida.
P3 Tech is a veteran and woman owned business headed-up by Dawn Zoldi (Colonel, USAF Retired), a licensed attorney and globally renowned industry expert who dedicated 28 years of service to the U.S. Air Force as a Judge Advocate, Associate General Counsel and U.S. Air Force Academy leader.
Zoldi regularly contributes valuable industry articles to major publications such as and Inside Unmanned Systems magazine and is the creator and host of the highly-successful Dawn of Drones podcast, presented by DroneLife, a top-tier news publication dedicated to the commercial drone industry. The podcast streams weekly to over 215,000 across multiple social media platforms, attracting industry leaders, strategy and business development experts. She has organized conference content including for InterDrone and EDGE22, the government technology plug-in to the Consumer Electronics Show.
She also led the Keynote Session for the Unmanned Systems Virtual Conference with Capt. Shelby Ochs (USMC), co-program manager for the Defense Innovation Unit’s Blue sUAS Project.
P3 Tech has forged an alliance with AUVSI for this year’s XPONENTIAL, the world’s premier event for unmanned systems and autonomy. For this year’s event, AUVSI anticipates attracting thousands of attendees, who will engage with over 650 exhibitors across more than two football fields of exhibit space and experience an educational program addressing the industry’s most pressing issues from a cross-domain, cross-sector, cross-industry, cross-functional perspective.
XPONENTIAL also features immersive workshops in partnership with specialized organizations to provide training and in-depth insights and solutions on targeted topics for attendees to harness the full potential of unmanned technologies now and into the future. The Law-Tech Connect™ Workshop is such a workshop.
This dynamic one-day educational event will connect attorneys and unmanned ecosystem thought leaders with world-class legal, regulatory and policy knowledge relating to unmanned aircraft systems, autonomy and advanced air mobility.
AUVSI Director of Industry Education, Keely Griffith, said, “This year’s XPONENTIAL focus is on facilitating the successful integration of unmanned and autonomous systems at scale in our society. The intersection with law and policy is a critical point in our targeted educational programming, and we are pleased to partner with P3 Tech to offer attendees a deep dive into the issues that will impact the industry’s long-term success.”
For attorneys, the workshop qualifies as an accredited Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program. The Florida Bar has certified the day-long program for a total of 8 CLE credits (7 General credits and 1 Substance Abuse credit). This may be also used to self-certify in other states.
But the Workshop is not just for attorneys. Zoldi has specifically developed top-tier legal and policy information for everyone with an interest in the critical legal, regulatory and policy aspects of the UAS/AAM industry by curating an unparalleled speaker line up from government, commercial industry and academia.
The faculty includes, among others, the Federal Aviation Administration’s “Drone Guy” Kevin Morris, Greg Reverdiau of the Pilot Institute, Glen Lynch CEO Volatus Aerospace, Jon Damush CEO Iris Automation, Jason Crist CEO Class G, Maj Gen (USAF Ret.) James Poss and Cameron Chell CEO of Draganfly.
Panels also include top legal professionals such as Lisa Ellman (Hogan & Lovells), Grant Guillot (Grant Guillot LLC), Sarah Nilsson (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University), Jennifer Richter (Akin Gump), Patrick Huston (Brig. Gen. USA Ret.), Commander Tracy Reynolds (JAG USN), Susan Eccles (Adams & Reese), Mary-Caitlin Ray (Crowell Moring) and more.
The agenda covers a broad range of topics ranging from drone law/regulation updates, artificial intelligence policy, public-private partnership legal authorities, the law of the air/land/sea, intellectual property to avigation and privacy law.
The event is sponsored by Draganfly (Gold), Class G (Silver) and Volatus Aerospace (Bronze), several Friends of Law-Tech Connect (the Crowell Moring and Adams & Reese law firms, the Electric Power Research Institute and the Unmanned Safety Institute) and various media outlets.
"Draganfly is thrilled to be supporting this dynamic workshop being led by renowned industry expert Dawn Zoldi. P3 Tech continues to deliver unique educational programs that provide invaluable insights on unmanned aircraft systems, autonomy and advanced air mobility," said Cameron Chell, CEO of Draganfly. "Draganfly has been driving the future of drones since the pre-drone era. The legal, regulatory and policy knowledge gained during this event will help the industry harness the full potential of unmanned technologies."
A nominal registration fee covers the program, all meals and an XPO Hall pass (alone $100+ value). Attorneys will also receive proof of CLE attendance. Add ons include the VIP Influencer reception and the ability to purchase Zoldi’s newly released drone law text book.
Government employees, active duty military, students, American Bar Association and Florida Bar members and non-profits may contact the event organizer for discounted rates at [email protected].
Register now at:
About P3 Tech Consulting
P3 Tech Consulting LLC is a U.S. company that connects people who have a passion for advanced technology platforms with full spectrum policy-relevant information to propel their companies and to do global good. Its services include consulting, expert presentations and publications on tech legal & policy issues, strategic planning and policy/program creation with an emphasis on UAS and AAM. P3 Tech delivers unique education programs that partner with academia, the legal ecosystem, technical programs and commercial expos and produces the weekly Dawn of Drones podcast, affiliated with DroneLife news.
The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics, represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in industry, government and academia. AUVSI members work in the defense, civil and commercial markets.