Spot, Boston Dynamics' dog-like robot, demos at SOF Week 2024
NewsMay 09, 2024

SOF WEEK 2024, TAMPA, Fla. Engineers from Boston Dynamics showed off the abilities of the Spot robot, which in some ways mimics a large dog, at SOF Week 2024 at the Tampa Convention Center.
The company's demo -- arguably one of the most popular on the exhibit floor -- showed off the different abilities of the Spot robot with the tagline: "A four-legged force multiplier."
Boston Dynamics touted the robot's ability to perform dangerous missions, thereby reducing risk to human operators, as Spot is fitted out with specialized sensors to detect radiological and nuclear material, toxic gases, and other hazardous materials. In this way, Spot helps field operators identify and assess chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) threats from a safer standoff distance.
Additionally, the robot can investigate suspicious packages and suspected explosives while maintaining a safe perimeter. Equipped with cameras, x-ray devices, and the optional Spot Arm -- a top-mounted appendage that can grasp, carry, and manipulate objects -- Spot enables explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians to safely inspect packages.
For more information on Spot, visit