MALD-J navigation system flight test demonstrates performance in GPS jamming environment
NewsMarch 01, 2017

TUCSON, Ariz. U.S. Air Force and Raytheon officials validated the performance of the GPS Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS II) for the Miniature Air Launched Decoy-Jammer (MALD-J) in six flight tests from B-52 and F-16 aircraft at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
The system upgrade includes a multi-element GPS controlled antenna assembly. Officials say, the technology improves MALD-J navigation performance in a GPS jamming environment. Improvements and efficiencies within the design helped to reduce GAINS II unit costs as well.
Engineers at the Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems facility in El Segundo, California supported the design work for GAINS II, while Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona supplied systems engineering, integration, and testing. Raytheon is now producing and delivering MALD-J systems with the upgraded navigation.
Read more on navigation systems:
Next-gen navigation: Tapping signals of opportunity
Navigation warfare: GNSS denied - threat and mitigation
Securing military GPS from spoofing and jamming vulnerabilities