Military Embedded Systems

Rockwell Collins selects INTEGRITY-178B tuMP RTOS for Shadow UAS mission computer


May 16, 2012

John M. McHale III

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

SANTA BARBARA, CA. Engineers at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, chose the INTEGRITY-178B Time-Variant Unified Multi Processing (tuMP) multicore operating system from Green Hills Software in Santa Barbara, Calif., for use in their mission computer designed for the RQ-7B Shadow Unmanned Air System (UAS).

The GPC-3000 mission computer uses using the Freescale eight-core QorIQ P4080 while hosting INTEGRITY-178B tuM.

The tuMP capabilities are a functional update to the INTEGRITY-178B single-core Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), says Dan O’Dowd, Green Hills Software founder and chief executive officer. Customers using tuMP gain flexibility when developing multi-core applications, yet still have their previously developed INTEGRITY-178B applications continue to operate.

tuMP defines groupings – which are called affinity groups-- of how cores will be used by one or more applications, with the grouping of cores and applications being allowed to vary over time. Sets of affinity groups then get scheduled independently of other sets of affinity groups, enabling time-lines that closely correspond to application requirements, yet also allowing other sets of affinity groups to be developed that can make use of any of the time windows where cores are not being used. New applications or extensions of existing applications can use the unallocated execution time across the entire multicore processor.

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Green Hills Software, Inc.

30 West Sola Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101