5G and edge computing maritime solutions to be researched by AT&T and NPS
NewsSeptember 16, 2021

OAKTON, Va. AT&T and the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) have entered into an agreement to explore and develop 5G and edge computing-based maritime solutions aimed at benefitting national defense and homeland security among others.
The parties entered into a three-year Collaborative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). Under the agreement, AT&T 5G networking and edge computing capabilities will support an array of 5G-focused experiments on NPS facilities incorporating artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things, machine learning, and data analytics.
The NPS and AT&T experiments with 5G and edge computing are expected to result in the identification of advanced technology solutions such as a connected system of unmanned and autonomous vehicles that can improve critical elements of national defense, such as multi-domain situational awareness, predictive maintenance, and data analytics.
As part of the CRADA, one initiative is the Naval Postgraduate School's Sea Land Air Military Research (SLAMR) program, that explores tthe development of 5G and edge computing-powered sea applications. SLAMR conducts activity at Camp Roberts in South Monterey County and, to a lesser extent, on the NPS main campus and at SLAMR's beach lab north of the main campus in Monterey, California.