Military Embedded Systems

ACV Family of Vehicles driven into further development after BAE Systems is awarded contract


June 27, 2019

Emma Helfrich

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

ACV Family of Vehicles driven into further development after BAE Systems is awarded contract
Photo courtesy of BAE Systems.

UNITED KINGDOM. U.S. Marine Corps awards BAE Systems and teammate Iveco Defence Vehicles a $67 million contract to develop new variants for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) Family of Vehicles to enhance battlefield situational awareness and firepower.


The contract calls for the design and development of the command (ACV-C) and the 30mm medium caliber cannon (ACV-30) variants. The ACV-C incorporates seven work stations to provide situational awareness and control of the battle space. The ACV-30 integrates a 30mm cannon to provide lethality and protection while leaving ample room for troop capacity and payload.

BAE Systems was previously awarded a low-rate initial production contract for the personnel variant (ACV-P). The Marine Corps announced the ACV had completed anticipated requirements testing and would no longer be pursuing an envisioned incremental ACV 1.1 and ACV 1.2 development approach. The program is now known as the ACV Family of Vehicles, encompassing the vehicle’s capabilities and multiple variants.

The development of the ACV variants will take place in Stafford, Va.; San Jose, Calif.; Sterling Heights, Mich.; Aiken, S.C.; and York, Pa.