SOSA aligned chassis-management development kit introduced by Pixus
NewsOctober 21, 2022

WATERLOO, Ontario. Pixus Technologies offers a development kit for an OpenVPX/SOSA hardware management card (HMC), as an early prototyping tool for future deployable versions of the Pixus SHM300, a SOSA aligned Tier 3+ board intended for rugged military applications on aircraft, on ships, or in ground vehicles.
The SHM300-10 development kit -- which affixes to the rear of a SOSA/OpenVPX backplane so as not to use up any system slots -- is available as a standalone part or in a modular SOSA aligned open frame chassis. The prototyping tool say Pixus officials enables users to begin development work and testing with the same base code as the SHM300 HMC.