Apache radar systems from LONGBOW ordered by Republic of Korea
NewsSeptember 13, 2013

LONDON. The Republic of Korea ordered fire control radars (FCRs) for the AH-64E Apache attack helicopter from LONGBOW, LLC, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. It is a foreign military sales contract valued at $51 million. The announcement was made during the DSeI show in London this week.
Under the contract LONGBOW will provide six LONGBOW FCR systems, spares, and in-country support. Production has been scheduled through 2016, with the assembly of the LONGBOW FCR to be performed at Lockheed Martin’s Ocala and Orlando, Fla., locations, and Northrop Grumman's facility in Baltimore.
The LONGBOW FCR provides target detection, location, classification, and prioritization. The radar also enables automatic and rapid multi-target engagement .