Sensor accord for space applications signed between CAES and Jena-Optronik
NewsSeptember 21, 2022

ARLINGTON, Va. MIssion-critical electronics company CAES has announced the signing of a multiyear contract with satellite/spacecraft sensor maker Jena-Optronik (Thuringia, Germany) to deliver flight-grade GR740 quad-core LEON4FT SPARC V8 microprocessor devices for the next generation of Jena-Optronik space sensor products.
According to the annoucement, Jena-Optronik chose the CAES GR740 microprocessor because of its software reuse, lower power, and increased processing power.
Jena-Optronik's current generation of star sensors plus its LiDAR sensors already use CAES’s GR712RC, a dual-core LEON3FT SPARC V8 microprocessor.