Military Embedded Systems

Small uncrewed aircraft system to be delivered to U.S. Army by Anduril Industries


September 26, 2024

Dan Taylor

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Small uncrewed aircraft system to be delivered to U.S. Army by Anduril Industries
Image via Anduril Industries

IRVINE, California. The U.S. Army chose Anduril Industries’ Ghost-X small uncrewed aircraft system (sUAS) for the Company Level Small Unmanned Aircraft System Directed Requirement (DR), the company announced in a statement.

This selection follows a procurement process that included aircraft and payload flight testing, the statement reads. The Ghost-X will be fielded to operational units later this year to enhance the Army’s Medium Range Reconnaissance (MRR) program, which aims to equip maneuver companies with multi-mission robotic capabilities for large-scale combat operations in contested environments, the company says.

The Ghost-X is designed for surveillance, targeting, and communications relay across various terrains, and the system operates on Anduril’s Lattice command and control software, allowing a single operator to manage multiple Ghost-X units, the company says.

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Anduril Industries

2722 Michelson
Irvine, CA 92612