King Air 350ER aircraft to undergo modernization under Canadian ISR project
NewsNovember 05, 2020

CANADA. L3Harris Technologies announced it has won a firm-fixed price contract to missionize three new King Air 350ER aircraft for the Canadian manned airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (CMAISR) project.
According to officials, the aircraft will be delivered to the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) as a Foreign Military Sale managed by the U.S. Army, Program Executive Office (PEO) Aviation, Fixed Wing Project Office.
The CMAISR project is intended to provide the DND with a rapidly deployable, airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability for its deployed operations. The aircraft will feature a suite of L3Harris systems, including full-motion video sensors, a mission management system, and communication datalinks. The capability upgrades are designed to offer increased threat indications and warning, as well as high-accuracy target detection and location.
Modification will include sensors integration, secure communications and navigation systems, as well as pilot, operator, and maintenance training. L3Harris claims it will complete the modifications at its facility in Greenville, Texas, supported by the company’s facility in Mirabel (Quebec), Canada.