How to Reduce Size, Weight and Power of Satellite Command and Telemetry Subsystems
Eletter Product
By 2017, there were nearly 1,400 satellites in orbit, serving both military and commercial customers. Their missions span a wide range of functions including reconnaissance, surveillance, imaging, signal intelligence, meteorology, navigation, television, and voice communications. With every new mission, customers increasingly want more functionality, which requires
larger satellite payloads, and that forces manufacturers to increase the size, weight and power (SWaP) of their satellite command and telemetry systems.
This white paper discusses how to simplify the design of a next-generation satellite command and telemetry subsystems by using a 32-channel driver IC and multiplexer. Examining these components reveals that they reduce footprint size by up to 50%, while doubling the number of telemetry data
inputs and command outputs. This allows customers to accommodate increased payload sizes by reducing the footprint and mass of bus components of their command and telemetry subsystems.