Lockheed Martin Havoc 8x8 AMV passes Marine Corps protection systems testing
NewsSeptember 27, 2013

DALLAS. Lockheed Martin’s Havoc 8x8 Armored Modular Vehicle (AMV) has successfully passed the Marine Corps protection systems testing during a series of blast tests this summer. During the protection systems testing, the instrumentation indicated that the crew would not have suffered any disabling injuries.
Havoc is a multi-mission Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) and is based off the Patria 8x8 AMV. The Havoc’s configuration allows for a wide range of communications, sensors, and weapons options for evolving mission requirements. Havoc is able to protect its crew from a variety of extreme threats, including its ability to maintain 100 percent operational ability during Marine surf and wave testing.
“Keeping Marines safe and ready to execute their mission is our top objective, and we have now validated that Havoc will provide the protection our Marines require,” says VP of ground vehicles at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Scott Greene.
Lockheed Martin has entered Havoc in the Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC) competition. For more information, visit www.lockheedmartin.com.