Airborne and ground radios perform interoperability tests
NewsOctober 18, 2019

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Collins Aerospace Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp., completed voice checks over the live Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite communication (SATCOM) network, sending the communications from the company?s sixth-generation ARC-210 software-defined airborne radio to its PRC-162 tactical ground radio.
According to the company, this marks the first time a company has performed tests using its own production airborne and ground radios over the live MUOS network, showing interoperability of MUOS communications from air to ground on the battlefield.
MUOS operates in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band for greater overall capacity and signal quality. MUOS intends to offer reliable voice and data connectivity, to provide improved communications capabilities. The company’s ARC-210 airborne radio is a fully certified MUOS capable airborne radio.
The ARC-210 and PRC-162 are both part of Collins Aerospace’s TruNet networked communications family of products, which includes ground and airborne radios, advanced networking waveforms, applications, and support and services that enable ground and airborne elements to exchange voice and critical data in real time.
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