Military Embedded Systems

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LeoLabs, Inc. PO Box 998
Menlo Park, CA 94026-0998
Articles related to LeoLabs

LeoLabs accepts NOAA's contract to continue advancing the National Space Traffic Coordination System - News

May 17, 2024

MENLO PARK, Calif. Space safety and security firm LeoLabs announced it received a second Consolidated Pathfinder order from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Space Commerce (OSC) to continue work on the development of the civil-led, U.S. Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS).


NOAA order will advance the National Space Traffic Coordination System - News

January 22, 2024

MENLO PARK, Calif. Orbital information provider LeoLabs won a Consolidated Pathfinder order from NOAA's Office of Space Commerce (OSC) for the development of the civil-led, national Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS). 


Radar site in Azores will add critical tracking of on-orbit material - News

June 07, 2023

MENLO PARK, Calif. Space-domain awareness provider LeoLabs announced the commissioning of its Azores space radar site, located on Santa Maria Island in the Azores, off the coast of Portugal. 


Commercial satellite tracking service unveiled by LeoLabs - News

August 05, 2019
LOGAN, Utah. LeoLabs, Inc., commercial provider of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mapping and Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services, announced LeoTrack, a commercial satellite tracking service for the needs of smallsat and cubesat operators.

LeoLabs adds phased-array radar into network aimed at tracking space debris - News

March 03, 2017
MIDLAND, Texas. LeoLabs, Inc. officials announced that its Midland Space Radar (MSR), located in Texas, is now operational and providing orbital data on low Earth orbit-based satellites and debris. Engineers completed the addition to its network of phased-array radars in an effort to track debris and prevent collisions in low Earth orbit (LEO).