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Articles related to NASA

NASA selects 133 proposals to spur space, business innovation - News

March 09, 2017
NASA AMES RESEARCH CENTER/Moffett Field, Calif. NASA has selected 133 proposals -- valued at approximately $100 million total -- from U.S. small businesses to conduct research and develop technologies that will enable NASA's future missions into deep space and will ultimately benefit the U.S. economy. These proposals were selected under Phase II of NASA?s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

Software catalog released by NASA - News

March 03, 2017
WASHINGTON. Officials at NASA released the 2017-2018 software catalog, which offers an extensive portfolio of software products for a wide variety of technical applications for the public's use without any royalty or copyright fees.

NASA engineers unveil modular avionics systems for smaller missions - News

February 28, 2017
GREENBELT, Md. A team of engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center have designed a new avionics system intended for use on smaller, cost-constrained, yet high-performance missions.

NASA selects two proposals for oxygen recovery during future deep-space missions - News

February 24, 2017
WASHINGTON. NASA has selected two proposals for the development of oxygen-recovery technologies that could keep astronauts alive and healthy during future long-duration missions to deep space.

Lockheed Martin's new particle accelerator aims at space-instrument testing - News

February 23, 2017
PALO ALTO, Calif. Lockheed Martin has installed a new linear particle accelerator at its Advanced Technology Center laboratory in Silicon Valley, part of the company's expansion into space-instrument testing. Designers and manufacturers of materials and instruments that are to be sent to space must first ensure that the products will survive the temperature extremes, radiation exposure, and need for autonomous operation found there.

NASA small satellites launch using hi-rel Cobham microprocessors - News

January 05, 2017
WASHINGTON. NASA has announced the successful launch of its Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS), a constellation of eight low-Earth-orbiting (LEO) microsatellites, with high-reliability controllers and processors from Cobham aboard.

NASA and AT&T work together to research traffic management solutions - News

November 29, 2016
VIENNA, Va. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and AT&T engineers are researching traffic management solutions for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in order to find an Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) solution that supports the safe and secure operation of drones in the national airspace.