Hypersonics research grant awarded to University of Central Florida by DoD
NewsMarch 31, 2022

ORLANDO, Fla. The University of Central Florida (UCF) has won a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for a one-year, $500,000 applied research project aimed at developing modeling and simulation capability to predict the hypersonic environment over a range of trajectories up to Mach 15.
According to the DoD press release announcing the grant, experiments to verify and validate the codes produced by this effort will be performed at unique facilities at UCF and Florida State University (FSU), which is collaborating with the DoD and UCF along with engineering research firm Combustion Research and Flow Technology (CRAFT).
The proposed research -- sponsored by the Joint Hypersonic Transition Office (JHTO) through the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) -- is intended to extend and develop CRAFT's model for predicting aero-optic environments (currently used in applied DoD programs) under complex hypersonic vehicle aerodynamic and aerothermodynamics interactions.