Korean Demilitarised Zone monitored by radar systems from Blighter Surveillance Systems
NewsOctober 09, 2013

CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom. South Korean armed forces officials selected Blighter Surveillance Systems to supply the company's Blighter B400 electronic-scanning radars to monitor the Korean Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) -- the buffer zone that stretches 250 kilometers across the Korean peninsula and divides North and South Korea.
Blighter radars have long-range detection capability 10 meters to 2 kilometers in steps up to 32km, 20 degree wide elevation beam, and the ability to detect very small and slow targets in cluttered environments. The radars merge solid-state Passive Electronic Scanning Array (PESA) technology with advanced Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) and Doppler processing to enable persistent surveillance capability.
The package delivered by Blighter includes an integrated multi-sensor package that consists of the Blighter radar systems, cameras, thermal imagers, trackers, and software solutions. The systems are ITAR-free and used in military, national border security, critical infrastructure protection, and homeland security applications.
The company's radar systems have been providing a persistent surveillance capability along the DMZ for some time. This contract win -- the value of which is undisclosed -- extends that relationship with South Korea.
For more information about Blighter radars or other products from Blighter Surveillance Systems, visit www.blighter.com.