Fifth unmanned NATO RQ-4D Phoenix delivered to enhance ISR operations
NewsNovember 17, 2020

FALLS CHURCH, Va. Northrop Grumman Corporation ferried the fifth NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) aircraft, via a non-stop transatlantic flight. The aircraft departed from Palmdale, California and landed at Sigonella Air Base, Sigonella, Italy.
According to the company, the air vehicle is the last of five NATO RQ-4D aircraft, thus completing deliveries to the Main Operating Base (MOB) of the NATO AGS system of systems comprised of aircraft, ground, and support segments. Work remains to complete Handover of the AGS System to the NATO AGS Force (NAGSF).
The NATO AGS RQ-4D is based on the U.S. Air Force wide area surveillance Global Hawk. The high-altitude, long-endurance unmanned NATO AGS system, which includes the multi-platform radar technology insertion program radar, is intended to provide edge intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability to deliver near real-time situational awareness.
Led by Northrop Grumman, the NATO industry team is comprised of companies from across NATO’s member nations, including Leonardo, Airbus, and Kongsberg and other defense companies from all AGS Procuring Nations, according to officials.