Military Embedded Systems

MC-130J avionics to use DO-178B tool from Presagis


February 14, 2012

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

MONTREAL. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics engineers are using the VAPS XT-178 tool from Presagis to develop embedded graphics displays on the MC-130J Increment 3 program run by the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). The tool is human machine interface (HMI) solution for DO-178B development.

VAPS XT-178 can be used with ARINC 661 and non-ARINC 661 programs. Through its runtime architecture, it can produce displays that run on multiple hardware and software environments. The Presagis tool also has a path for compliance with the new DO-178C guidance standard.

VAPS XT-178 is based Presagis’s VAPS XT. For more information, visit


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