Military Embedded Systems

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Embedded Computing Design

1505 N Hayden Rd #105
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257
Embedded Computing Design
Articles related to Embedded Computing Design

Inside the mind of machines: AI modeling scales security, analytics on the Industrial Internet - Story

June 16, 2016
The advent of the Industrial Internet has raised the bar for security analysts and data scientists, a workforce whose number is quickly being dwarfed by the amount of connected machines. Now, machine learning and artificial intelligence professionals are teaming with traditional embedded vendors to help suppress the rising tide of cyber threats and Big Data.

IoT Roadshow, Denver: The middle ground of Internet of Things tech - Other

May 28, 2016
Slide show ? Technology media tends to be very polarized, with outlets either focusing solely on finished products or just on the latest processors and tools used to develop those systems without much regard for what happens in between. At IoT Design and Embedded Computing Design we try to fill that middle ground as much [...]