DoD tasks SGI to upgrade Army Research Laboratory computing technology
NewsNovember 02, 2016

MILPITAS, Calif. Department of Defense (DoD) officials selected Silicon Graphics International Corp. (SGI) to upgrade two of the Army Research Laboratory Defense Supercomputing Resource Center (ARL DSRC) systems with the company's SGI ICE XA, as part of the technology insertion (TI-16) for the High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP). The agreement for ARL DSRC system 1 is valued at $8.9 million, and ARL DSRC system 2 at $17.6 million.
Officials say, the investment in supercomputers will help with data quality, increasing situational awareness, and advancing soldier performance with live and virtual data analytics. It will also enable DoD scientists and engineers to achieve a better understanding of a variety of phenomena affecting national defense.
SGI is also providing four annual maintenance options over the next four years. Work for both systems will be performed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, with an estimated completion date of April 2021. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville, Alabama, has been delegated contracting authority for these agreements.
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