Military Embedded Systems

Active Protection System for Dutch CV90s introduced by BAE Systems


September 18, 2019

Emma Helfrich

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Active Protection System for Dutch CV90s introduced by BAE Systems
Photo courtesy of BAE Systems.

EUROPE. The Dutch Army has selected BAE Systems to integrate the Elbit Systems? Iron Fist Active Protection System (APS) solution into its fleet of CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles following testing to integrate it onto the platform.


Iron Fist is an advanced technology that automatically detects, tracks, and neutralizes incoming threats to protect the vehicle and its crew. The Royal Netherlands Army has been working closely with BAE Systems Hägglunds to study the implementation of the Iron Fist APS onto the CV9035NL since 2015.

The first phase evaluated the feasibility of five systems. The second phase focused on the inherent performance and high level integration of the APS. With the first layer of soft-kill technology integrated onto the Dutch Army’s CV9035NL fleet, plans are underway to add the Iron Fist’s final layer.

The CV90 is operated by six other European nations who participate in the development of the vehicle through the CV90 User Club.