Radar for U.S. Navy ships to get ATC software upgrade thanks to Cambridge Pixel
NewsApril 06, 2021

CAMBRIDGE, U.K. Cambridge Pixel reports that it it supplying its supplying its HPx-250 PMC radar interface cards and SPx radar and IFF [identification friend or foe] plot extraction software to the U.S. Navy's Naval Air Warfare Center for use with the Navy's AN/SYY-1 shipboard air traffic control (ATC) processing and display system.
According to company officials, Cambridge Pixel’s HPx-250 is a PMC-format daughterboard that fits onto a VME processor board that is able to receive radar signals including video, trigger, and azimuth, and then shoots the digitized and processed video to the SPx Server plot extraction software, which runs on the host computer. For combined primary and IFF requirements, two HPx-250 cards are deployed on a single VME processor: one of the cards' SPx Server software handles IFF decoding and plot extraction, while the other handles primary video plot extraction and video processing.
The new system running on the AN/SYY-1 -- the U.S. Navy’s upgrade to the AN/TPX-42 system used for shipboard ATC -- will be deployed on all CVN-class aircraft carriers and helicopter landing ships (LHA and LHD-class vessels).
David Kenney, electronics engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center’s Shipboard Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems, said: “We chose the Cambridge Pixel HPx-250 PMC card because it satisfied our three key requirements in a low-powered, small-form-factor solution. The Cambridge Pixel team has also worked closely with NAWC WOLF personnel during development and responded to requests for unique modifications in an economical and timely manner.”
David Johnson, CEO of Cambridge Pixel, said: “We are delighted to be offering our modular HPx and SPx radar processing components into this technology refresh program. We have incorporated considerable flexibility into the radar interfacing and data processing modules which has allowed us to accommodate the needs of the AN/SYY-1 upgrade.”