MPU5 radios to equip V-BAT VTOL unmanned aircraft for Navy program
NewsMay 11, 2021

NEW YORK, N.Y. Persistent Systems, company specializing in mobile ad hoc networking (MANET) solutions, announced that it will be supplying Martin UAV, an industry partner whose V-BAT VTOL unmanned aircraft system was just selected for the Navy's Mi2 program, with MPU5 and Embedded Module networking devices over the coming years.
According to officials, the Mi2 program seeks to supplement systems currently used by the Navy with an expeditionary platform that has a smaller logistical footprint and quicker set-up time. Martin UAV's V-BAT was chosen as this next-generation Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) replacement following an Mi2 live demonstration conducted in November.
The company also claims that the Persistent Systems solution is designed to be resilient against electronic warfare (EW) threats without having to sacrifice performance or scalability and was the first MANET solution validated by the U.S. Army's Electronic Warfare Laboratory.
The V-BAT is a ducted fan VTOL unmanned aircraft system that takes off like a helicopter and flies as a fixed-winged platform for longer endurance intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions.