AI- and cloud-based data securely transmitted by ViaSat in Army Cyber Quest demo
NewsFebruary 03, 2021

CARSLBAD, Calif. ViaSat Inc., a communications company, transmitted high performance cloud- and artificial intelligence (AI)-based data in a variety of tactical communication scenarios during the U.S. Army's Cyber Quest 2020 exercise—a collaborative, live event where military, commercial, and defense industry, worked alongside academia and government to examine how electronic warfare, cyber, networking, and communications capabilities could aid global military forces.
During the event, ViaSat claims it showed its NetAgility Virtual and Mobile Software Defined Networking (SDN) bonding router delivering advanced multi-path networking transmission and management capabilities over a variety of tactical communication links in a number of U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) and Operational Virtual Health (OVH) situations.
According to the company, tactical communication technologies leveraged included SATCOM, LTE, and multiple Line of Sight tactical radios. ViaSat's technology supported situational awareness and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) applications with optimized network video capture to enable a medic in theater wearing augmented reality glasses, identify wounded soldiers using facial recognition and AI scans, and provide a higher level of warfighter care.
In multiple challenges during the Cyber Quest 2020 exercise, the Army explored how ViaSat's SDN platform could address U.S. Army Futures Command Network Cross-Functional Team interests. In each scenario, ViaSat claims it was able to demonstrate that it could strengthen the transport backbone and ensure resilient communications could be maintained without disruption or disablement.