Managing FAA DO-178B/C, 278A, and 254 with one system
ProductMay 22, 2013

Certifying to FAA applications is an expensive, time-consuming process, but required for any software or hardware that is flight-critical on aircraft that travel through civil airspace. LDRA engineers in Wirral, United Kingdom, have found a way to make that process more manageable by creat...
Certifying to FAA applications is an expensive, time-consuming process, but required for any software or hardware that is flight-critical on aircraft that travel through civil airspace. LDRA engineers in Wirral, United Kingdom, have found a way to make that process more manageable by creating the LDRA Compliance Management System (LCMS), which is a resource for developing infrastructure that supports DO-178B/C, DO-278A, and DO-254 compliance. LCMS ensures certification readiness through a process that includes LDRA Certification Services (LCS) professionals support from development and production through the maintenance life cycle.
LCMS combines detailed certification document templates with LCS consultation and training, guiding avionics engineers while they create the planning and life-cycle documents, process checklists, and problem reports required for certification. Developed by systems and equipment FAA Designated Engineering Representatives (DERs), the solution enables compliance with ARP-4754A, ARP-4761, DO-178B/C, DO-278A, DO-254, and DO-297 aviation standards. LCMS also may be integrated with the LDRA tool suite to match verification processes with the certification processes outlined by FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) officials. The system is available in local and cloud-based environments. For information, view an LCMS video at or visit