Remote ID included in final rules for drone operation announced by FAA
NewsDecember 29, 2020

WASHINGTON. Final rules for Unmanned Aircraft (UA), commonly known as drones, have been announced by the The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). According to the FAA, the new rules will require Remote Identification (Remote ID) of drones and allow operators of small drones to fly over people and at night under certain conditions.
Remote ID is intended to help mitigate risks associated with expanded drone operations, such as flights over people and at night, and both rules support technological and operational innovation and advancements.
The Operations Over People and at Night rule applies to Part 107 operators. The ability to fly over people and moving vehicles varies depending on the level of risk a small drone operation presents to people on the ground and allows for operations at night under certain conditions.
The final rule requires that small drone operators have their remote pilot certificate and identification in their physical possession when operating. This rule also expands the class of authorities who may request these forms from a remote pilot, replacing the requirement to complete a recurrent test every 24 calendar months with the requirement to complete updated recurrent training that includes operating at night in identified subject areas.
According to officials, both rules will become effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. The Remote ID rule includes two compliance dates. Drone manufacturers will have 18 months to begin producing drones with Remote ID, with operators having an additional year to start using drones with Remote ID.
For more information on the final rules, the official FAA-released PDFs can be accessed here: Remote ID and Operations Over People and at Night.