Rapita Systems to showcase AdaCore’s GNAT Pro for Rust at HISC
NewsOctober 17, 2024

YORK, U.K. and NEW YORK, N.Y. Rapita Systems and AdaCore announce a joint demonstration of the integration of the Rapita System RapiCover Zero and RapiTime Zero tools with AdaCore’s GNAT Pro for Rust next week at the High Integrity Software Conference (HISC), to be held in Wales.
The integration is intended to show how structural coverage and execution time metrics, including worst-case execution time, can be collected during on-target tests of safety-critical code written in the Rust programming language.
According to the companies' statement, Rapita’s zero-instrumentation tools -- including RapiCover Zero and RapiTime Zero -- support the verification of safety-critical code without instrumentation, which enables users to reduce verification effort by running tests on final target builds without instrumentation, regardless of which programming languages or combination of languages are used in a project.
GNAT Pro for Rust delivers stability, security, and dependability for critical, embedded Rust applications. Initially, according to the company statement, AdaCore focused on Ada, a state-of-the-art programming language designed specifically for developing long-lived, safety-critical, certified software; the focus has extended over time beyond Ada language to its formally verifiable SPARK subset, C and C++, and now to Rust.