Ultra Intelligence & Communications slated as authorized distributor of ORION radio family to UK MoD
NewsSeptember 11, 2023

LONDON. Ultra Intelligence & Communications (Ultra I&C) was named a supplier for the United Kingdom’s Crown Commercial Service’s Network Services 3 (NS3) Framework (RM6116) for Lot 1c – Tactical Radio Systems.
Ultra I&C will be the authorized distributor of the ORION radio family of systems to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other public sector organizations. Under this contract, public sector organizations can purchase Line-of-Sight (LOS) tactical radio communication systems in a straightforward, commercial means – either by direct award or competition. The Tactical Radio sub-lot within the NS3 Framework includes a wide scope for radio subsystems, which extends beyond soldier system radios to include high-capacity line-of-sight systems, according to an Ultra release.
"Ultra I&C’s Communications business is looking forward to working strategically with the UK MoD to ensure it has the latest capabilities in the field of high-capacity tactical communications," says Alain Cohen, president of Communications.
The software-defined, multi-channel, multi-band, MIMO radio ORION platform is capable of supporting a range of user requirements in contested and congested environments. Network interoperability with third party radio systems is enabled by working with key partner waveform providers.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. For more about CCS, visit www.crowncommercial.gov.uk.