Military Embedded Systems

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Slingshot Aerospace

1400 Lavaca St
Suite 700
Austin, TX 78701
Slingshot Aerospace
Articles related to Slingshot Aerospace

AI-enabled GPS tech firm wins Space Force contract - News

January 16, 2025

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. Slingshot Aerospace won a contract worth $1.9 million from the U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command (SSC) to further develop its already operational GPS-jamming detection technology by incorporating enhanced geolocation and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect threats around the globe in near-real-time and help anticipate future threats to international security.


GPS interference monitoring for U.S. Space Force to be performed by HawkEye 360 - News

January 19, 2023

HERNDON, Virginia. HawkEye 360 has won a contract from prime contractor Slingshot Aerospace in support of U.S. Space Force to monitor global GPS interference, the company announced in a statement.


Machine-learning capabilities for USAF space situational-awareness contract won by Slingshot Aerospace - News

April 24, 2019
LOS ANGELES. Slingshot Aerospace has won a $6 million contract from the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) to rapidly prototype and deploy machine-learning (ML) capabilities that are aimed at boosting a variety of enterprise space battle-management mission needs.