Military Embedded Systems

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Austin, TX 78735
Articles related to SolarWinds

The connected warfighter: Best QoS strategies for keeping communications open - Story

June 04, 2013
For the warfighter, communication no longer means two-way radios and semaphore; a global military requires global, on-demand communications, from HD video feeds and Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) to simpler services like email. But this enhanced need for digital communication means more strain on communication networks, especially at forward operating bases and other locations in theater. So how can the modern warfighter leverage the latest in communications without completely overrunning the network? The answer lies in implementing Quality of Service by utilizing technology as old as IP itself: the rarely used Differential Service Code Points (DSCP) bits that are included in every IP packet header.

Network complexities be damned: The warfighter as an IT admin? - Story

September 02, 2011
Warfighters have always had a challenging job, from dealing with technologies not commonly seen outside of the DoD to frequent reassignments, with less training than they'd like. Add in the continuing shift of network technology from physical servers to today's array of physical, virtual, wireless, and cloud-based technologies across the military and it's easy to see how a military technologist can be overwhelmed.